Slugfest Games
The Red Dragon Inn Allies Melvyn Vs Marah
Categories: Card Game, Expansion for Base-game, Fantasy, Humor, Medieval, Party Game
Mechanics: Betting and Bluffing, Hand Management, Player Elimination, Take That, Variable Player Powers
Players: 2–5
Ages: 13+
Playtime: 30–90 Min
In the latest expansion for The Red Dragon Inn, the prestigious Greyport Mages' Collegium faces an unexpected challenge when one of its professors goes rogue. It's up to our heroes to stop her!
This two-character expansion introduces Melvyn, the friendly Collegium librarian, and Marah, the turncoat professor of defensive magic. It includes work-in-progress decks for both characters and allows for play in classic free-for-all modes, as well as with the Pub Crawl or Boss Battle mechanics.
The Kickstarter Edition of this expansion features additional content, including the bonus drink card Thirsty Thirsty Dragons! and three exclusive prize cards: Arcane MacGuffin, Certificate of Guffin, and Zot's Lucky Dice.
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