Point to Point Movement | Board Game Mechanic

On a board of a game with point-to-point movement, there are certain spots that can be occupied by markers or figurines, e. g. cities on a map. These points are connected by lines, and movement can only happen along these lines. It is not enough that two points are next to or close to each other; if there is no connecting line between them, a player cannot move his or her piece from one to the other.

Shop our Point to Point Movement | Board Game Mechanic products below

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CLANK! In! Space!: Apocalypse!

Dire Wolf Digital
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Chinese Checkers

Pressman Toy
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On The Underground: Obstruction Mini-Expansion

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Witchstone: Full Moon Expansion

R&R Games
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Pandemic: On The Brink

Z-Man Games
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Century Eastern Wonders

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Legends Of Sleepy Hollow: Ghost Of Tarry Town

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