Evil Genius Games
Everyday Heroes: Adventure: Universal Soldier Cinematic Adventure
Universal Soldier: A World of Cybernetic Enhancement
Step into a world where humanity and technology blend, where soldiers are enhanced with cybernetics to create unstoppable killing machines. This Cinematic Adventure introduces 5e-compatible cybernetics rules, allowing you to explore the power and limitations of these advanced augmentations.
Cinematic Adventures(TM): Expand Your Everyday Heroes(TM) Experience
- Immersive Worlds: Cinematic Adventures(TM) are campaign settings that enhance your Everyday Heroes(TM) game experience, offering unique themes and mechanics.
- Digital Adventure Books: Each 100+ page digital book includes two parts: new game mechanics tailored to the setting and a full-length adventure set within that world.
A Season Pass of Adventure:
- Individual Adventures: Explore a variety of thrilling worlds by purchasing individual Cinematic Adventures(TM).
- Season Pass: Unlock the complete collection with the Season Pass of Adventure, featuring all eight captivating stories.
Universal Soldier and Beyond - Embrace the intense action and cybernetic enhancements of Cinematic Adventures(TM) as you navigate a world where humanity’s limits are redefined by technology!
- Price: